Let's Get Dark: A Paranormal & Crime Podcast
A spooky babe and her friends discussing all the things that strike fear deep in our hearts. From the paranormal, true crime, to unsolved mysteries, we will grab your hand and drag you deep into the darkest rabbit holes we can find. When we're done, we promise to bring you the truth, and to tell you the story in a way you haven't heard before. Join us and let's get dark...
Let's Get Dark: A Paranormal & Crime Podcast
90 - Paranormal Communication Pt. 2 - Ouija Wanna Talk to the Other Side
Creep it Real
Season 3
Episode 90
In the conclusion of our coverage on communication beyond the veil, we discuss more modern methods, primarily Ouija and Estes Method. We discuss how to heighten your abilities to make this communication easier and our experiences with the Estes Method. Throw on your spooky babes, and let's Creep It Ouija.